Pig & Hen team building

An adventurous team-building day at Pig & Hen, where speed and strategy come together in challenging activities like quad biking and archery.
With a workplace that embraces the spirit of adventure, working at Pig & Hen is an experience far beyond the ordinary. Our team-building day wasn’t just a day off from work; it was a day dedicated to pushing limits, conquering fears, and nurturing the competitive spirit that defines us. It was an insight into the shared adventurous heart that unites our team.
Adventure is in our DNA. It’s the driving force behind every piece we create and every challenge we embrace. So, it only makes sense that our team-building day would be an adventure in itself. We embarked on a journey that took us beyond the walls of the office and into the heart of nature. Our day included conquering an exhilarating assault course and revving up the excitement with thrilling quad bike rides and archery.
The quad biking wasn’t just about racing around the assault course – it had a fun twist. We paired up in teams of two, with one person blindfolded and the other shouting directions from the sidelines. The goal? Getting our quad bike through a maze of cones on a mini course. Even though it required a much lower level of adrenaline compared to the dirt racing we had done before, it was a lot more challenging than we thought and definitely brought out the competitors in all of us.
After peaking our heart rates during quad biking, it was time to focus and keep our eyes on the prize during an intense session of archery training. Archery was a different ball game, requiring a much higher level of focus and calm compared to the chaos from quad biking.
Among the many competitive souls in our midst, none showcased the fiery spirit quite like our founders. From the moment they stepped onto the quad bikes, you could sense the determined glint in their eyes. They navigated the assault course with a tenacity that mirrors their approach to business, proving that the spirit of competition drives not only our team but also our leadership.